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Automatically email new donors and volunteers?

How do you set up an automated welcome email for new volunteers and donors, like you can do in Mailchimp?

Official response from

We currently don't offer the feature of automated emails based off of becoming a volunteer or new donor (besides a donation receipt). 

One recommendation would be to use filter criteria to target all of your new volunteers and donors on a weekly, monthly or yearly basis to thank them for joining or donating. You can use liquid variables within the email blast to personalize each email to specific information on how much they donated or that they became a volunteer. 

Feel free to take a look at our guides on how to filter or customize your email blasts here:

How to filter

How to send an email blast

How to use liquid variables in an email blast


If you have any specific questions around these topics, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] 

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