So you want a page full of all those gorgeous images you add to your Tumblr? Good news! It's pretty easy to embed your Tumblr stream onto a NationBuilder page!
Check out Adriel's snazzy Tumblr stream on his Adriel Nation site:
To achieve this look, create a basic page and add this code to the template under:
{{ page.basic.content }}
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Tumblr used to list this embed code under its "Goodies" section. It's not listed there anymore but it still works ;)
Adriel Hampton explains how to set this up in a recent episode of NationBuilder Live:
You can also watch "Adding a Tumblr stream to your website" in high definition on our YouTube page.
Adriel mentions that you can create embed code for your Tumblr using the Embeddlr app.