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What is a Community Organizing System?

COS.pngNationBuilder is a Community Organizing System—all that means is we help you bring people together around a common purpose so you can do the thing you were meant to do. And we recently redesigned our website to convey how it all works.

The four key components—website, people, communications, and finances—make up a unified platform that puts the tools of organizing in the hands of anyone. If you haven’t already, take a moment to explore the new website, take the feature tour, and learn how NationBuilder can help you grow your community.

How do you use NationBuilder to fulfill the thing you were meant to do? Leave a comment with your story so we can feature you on one of our community pages. Or better yet—show us. :)

  • Add a suggestion box to your website to generate feedback from your community.
  • Make your database more dynamic using NationBuilder Match to automatically link email addresses to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Klout.
  • Send a text blast with keywords to let supporters take action from their phones.
  • Recruit donors and view their progress with personal fundraising pages.