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Didn't receive own email blast!

I recently sent out an email blast to a tagged list that included my own email. I've done this in the past, and haven't had a problem receiving my own email. However, this most recent time I didn't receive an email from myself, even though my colleagues received the blast. 

Is this a recent glitch in the email blast, or is it because I am sending an email to/from myself?

Thank you!

Official response from

There are many variables that affect deliverability of email blasts - in our experience, blast senders may have the most issues with receipt of their own blasts over time. This is because the sender of the email may not actually open it or may frequently send test blasts to their own email address. Over time, email service providers can end up routing blasts to a promotional or spam folder due to perceived lack of engagement with the content. In cases where you don't see a blast you expected to receive, we recommend searching all your email folders for the particular blast - you should also ensure that any email you send yourself is flagged/starred as important. For more detailed review of email delivery issues, you can also contact your organizer directly. 

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