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Why won't my form save or submit?

When I click the submit button on my form, it never actually submits. It gets stuck on "saving..." and never progresses.

Official response from

There are a number of potential causes if your form won't submit. Here are the most common things to check:

  • Do not import jQuery anywhere in your theme, as NationBuilder automatically imports it.

  • Avoid displaying two forms of the same type on one page. For example, if you have a volunteer signup partial displaying in your header, don't have it display if a user is on a volunteer page. You can do this using this logic:

    {% unless page.type_name == "Volunteer Signup" %}
    code for your volunteer signup partial
    {% endunless %}

  • Be cautious when removing, adding or modifying form elements. Removing required fields or adding unsupported fields will cause problems. 

  • Never remove {{ content_for_header }} or {{ content_for_footer }} from your layout.html file.
  • When in doubt, try restoring your form with the default form template. If it submits, then you know the problem is with a customization you made to the form. Check that the form submits with each change you make until you come across the change that is causing the problem. If it won't submit with the default form template, then the problem is likely due to custom javascript you're using, or importing jQuery, often in layout.html.
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