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How To Remove Header Image From A Specific Page

Official response from

The header image of any specific page can be removed by finding the original marked coding within the layout.html and replacing it with the revised.  The 'page' term would be replaced with the slug of the page in question.



{% if site.has_header_image? and page.features_count == 0 %}


{% if site.has_header_image? %}


{% if site.has_header_image? and page.features_count == 0 and page.slug != 'page'%}


{% if site.has_header_image? and page.slug != 'page'%}


If you wanted to remove the header image from multiple pages, you can simply follow the format shown below.


{% if site.has_header_image? and page.features_count == 0 and page.slug != 'page' and page.slug != 'page2' and page.slug != 'page3' %}


* Please note that the original code can vary depending on the stock theme utilized as your foundation.

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