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commented on how do i email unsubscribed people
Hi Jacob – You will not be able to email someone who has unsubscribed from receiving your email blasts. If you see a notification that someone unsubscribed, it means that they actively clicked the unsubscribe link in an email blast. If you were to go to the “Receive emails” checkbox on their profile, you will not be able to opt them back in. Instead, the owner of that email address would need to take an action on your site, making sure to re-confirm they want to receive future emails by clicking “Send me email updates.”

With that in mind, you may want to create a signup type page specifically for folks that have unsubscribed in the past, but now want to hear from you again. You may also be interested in learning more about the unsubscribe page which uses tags for different email groups.
posted 2018-09-20 06:47:06 -0700