Hi there- I saw the size dimensions for the logo and the featured content slider, but I was wondering if there were header dimensions or background dimensions and if it was even possible to change the background on the Aware theme because of the responsiveness, or would that distort it when it resized?
Edit: I see where we can add a background image- but ideally i'd like to just change the header- for instance, the darker grey bar here: http://unmannedwar-bravenew.nationbuilder.com/
The current image is 389 x389, but does it have to be repeated, or could we use a longer image 389x (?) and have it still work? What dimensions would you recommend for that?
It looks like you've successfully added a background image, which (for reference) can be uploaded by navigating within your Control Panel to Websites > Site Settings > Background image.
With regard to the dark-gray background color, that is controlled via the theme's stylesheet. If you'd like to edit those colors, you'll need to edit the relevant styles in your Custom Theme.
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Hines Digital
Certified Architect
Certified Expert
I’m aware that I could theoretically remove the body class and rework the CSS but I’m so close to being done with this last little thorn — remove: class="aware-theme v2-theme page-type-basic js with-background in the
Clearly I’m missing something somewhere and I suspect the style is controlled by that little js – unless someone knows a trick that will save my sanity and point me in the right direction. This seemed like it was really simple before my CSS appeared useless
rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) url(“pathtoimage”) no-repeat fixed center center / cover
rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) url(“pathtoimage”) no-repeat fixed top center / cover
In the Aware theme, the content sliders are designed to span the breadth of the site. You can create a clone of the theme and adjust this in the theme.scss file. More information on working with themes is available at http://nationbuilder.com/theme_documentation
The Aware theme wasn’t designed for use with a background image, so there’s isn’t an ideal size. Generally, pictures that span the width of your website should be 960px wide.