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responded to Can I change the ticket currency for each event? with completed
posted 2013-12-17 10:33:03 -0800
commented on How can I offer free gifts to new supporters?
Thanks Teri!

I set it up with Vimeo. They have an option for allowing downloads from their site directly, as well! So, no need for dropbox even.

Thanks again.
posted 2014-02-20 10:03:22 -0800
commented on I want to change how the redirect works in signup page
hi kamal,

i updated the site so it works better for me. now I want to remove the signup from the front page and still let people login. so maybe a login button somewhere?

if you have time, i’d love a call at 530.566.0199

posted 2014-04-25 13:58:19 -0700
commented on How can I switch my Public Profile picture?
Yes! Get on it please!
posted 2013-12-12 00:50:45 -0800
commented on Displaying an internal map externally?
Where is this feature now? I need it!
posted 2013-12-11 20:46:29 -0800
commented on Aware: from your desktop to your pocket
Hi! I want to move from Focus to Aware. Since i’m moving from level 1 >>2, I have to do something special, correct? Can you explain to me how I can save my custom pages and theme files and transfer them? Thank you!
posted 2014-05-05 22:20:38 -0700