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There are 25 days left in this election and advanced targeting is already well under way. Since our last update, we have refreshed Arizona, California, Illinois, Indiana, Montana, and New Mexico with 2016 registration and vote history information (where applicable) which brings us to a fully refreshed U.S. voter file! As the election get closer more and more voters will receive absentee ballots and vote early. Campaigns can use absentee and early vote returns to run cutting edge campaigns to target voters in the best way possible. To support these efforts we have begun processing absentee and early vote reports around the clock. If you want to run a cutting edge campaign using absentee and early vote returns then visit for more information.

Interesting Fact: Minnesota consistently has the highest voter turnout in the nation with no voter ID laws and same day registration. In the 2012 General Election Minnesota had a voter turnout rate of 76% which is 31.8% higher than the lowest turnout state of Hawaii which had a turnout of 44.2%.

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