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AllSaints strengthens customer relationships, one email at a time

AllSaints harnessed NationBuilder to find a collaborative solution to a challenge all high-end brands face: how do you build mass email campaigns as expertly targeted as they are beautiful?


  • 4.6
  • million emails sent
  • 93%
  • drop in unsubscribes

For any leading brand in the competitive fashion retail space, spot-on creative direction and aesthetic consistency are critical. Often, the tools brands use to understand their audience are very different from the ones they use to create the stunning visuals employed to highlight their products. In order to reach their goal of using email marketing to boost sales, the AllSaints team needed to manage their email program and database all in one place, without sacrificing the look and feel they’d worked to create.

NationBuilder’s Implementation Manager Jeff Dunne took on the process of adapting AllSaints’ existing email designs into readymade templates they could store, mix, and match depending on desired content, region, and gender breakdown of recipients. He says, “They now have these emails stashed away as a starting point, with placeholder images, documented resolution sizes, and sample text they can edit for their copy. They start on one of those, clone the email, customize it, and that’s how they get around the design challenge.”

  • icon-smarter-data.png
  • Custom filtering & targeting

  • Brands using NationBuilder to grow their business use advanced filters to make the highest-impact outreach across email, social, and mobile.

Of course, with what they’re aiming to achieve in the long run, the look is only a small part of it. “Every day of the year they’re sending emails to increase their open rate and clickthrough rate, and they’re always thinking in that campaigning mindset of: what’s the action that we need people to take? Why should people open the email in the first place?” Toni Cowan-Brown, NationBuilder’s VP of European Business Development says. “It’s thinking about what other types of emails we can send, write, or put together that get people excited. Then we can start looking at different subgroups of people—for instance, the stylists signed up to your newsletter who may spend a fortune with you but you don’t know exist in your database—and put them into effective email programs.”

What began as an effort to identify AllSaints shoppers near new and soon-to-open stores, turned into a sophisticated targeting approach that would impact their entire database and email strategy. As they looked at the data they’d gathered and prepared personalized email blasts about store launch events, it became clear that the tangible insights they’d gained could benefit many more of their email campaigns if they could manage their communications, and not only their database, within NationBuilder. According to Cowan-Brown, “Their major work was to move away from sending one big bulk newsletter to the whole database and start getting much more targeted and tailored. They went through the exercise of dividing by region for US versus Europe, then different regions in Europe, then between men and women. The idea was to do a slow progression, getting more and more personalized with their email program.”

With a solid process in place and an ongoing effort to sync valuable purchase information with NationBuilder profiles well underway, AllSaints are positioned to create the kind of personalized relationships with the people in their database that only the world’s most beloved brands can achieve.

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