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commented on login page vanished
I would check with the person who designed your current front page. It looks like they removed the sign up form from your right column. You do still have a full sign up page on your site (slug is join). However, that page is not in your top nav, so it is not discoverable right now.
posted 2013-03-02 14:23:55 -0800
commented on Advanced search for work address
That is correct. The primary address will show up, but the work address will not. If you would like to be able to search for work addresses specifically, suggest that as a feature at
posted 2013-01-26 10:53:49 -0800
commented on Header and footer images in blast email template and auto-response emails
Your question has been moved to the Communications section of the FAQ and we are investigating what is causing the problems.
posted 2013-03-03 16:14:01 -0800
commented on Supporter nav
If you would like to see us implement this new feature, suggest it at:
posted 2013-02-08 10:47:57 -0800
commented on Automatic appending of voting districts
It doesn’t matter how big or small the area for the election is. Once you set up the campaign in your nation, the districting works the for any size election.

If you have questions about how this works for your particular nation, contact us more directly and your organizer will get back to you.
posted 2013-02-17 12:32:24 -0800
commented on How long for Democracy Engine deposits?
For information on the timing of deposits from Democracy Engine, check out this page of their site:
posted 2012-12-21 10:24:32 -0800
commented on Problem with "Primary Address" selection
The only way to change the primary address for a profile (at this time) is to delete the current primary address. When that is done, the hierarchy in the address FAQ will be used to pick the new primary address.
posted 2013-01-26 09:46:46 -0800
commented on Create Account Without Email Activation
You are always free to suggest that change via our suggestions page:

The more people who support your suggestion, the more likely it is to be implemented, so be sure to share your suggestion after you make it.
posted 2013-02-06 15:00:45 -0800
commented on Upgrading from business to political
When you need to change your nation type, you need to email NationBuilder help or your point person here at NationBuilder and have us change the nation type for you. Be sure to tell us which nation needs to be changed.
posted 2012-11-13 15:00:57 -0800
commented on Affiliate or partner program?
NationBuilder uses Twilio to handle our text messages. Twilio is currently available for nations from the US and Canada. You can learn more about this from the discussions on this FAQ:
(One of the comments will send you to Twilio’s answer about availability in Australia.)
posted 2012-11-17 12:22:40 -0800