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Contact Page not showing on top Nav bar

Hello there, our ActionStation site appears to have the contacts page missing from the top navigation bar, all the setting for it look to be right but it doesnt appear.

Any ideas?


Chris and the ActionStation team.

Official response from

Hi Chris -


It looks like you have a customized _nav.html file that allows for your top nav buttons to appear on either side of your logo. You have IF statements relating to the forloop index for your top nav page array. Currently you have statements for "If forloop.index is 1" (then put it to the left of the logo) and "If forloop.index is 2 or 3" (then put it to the right of the logo). I recommend adding another IF clause to either one of those, depending on whether you want it on the left or right.  You would add this:

or forloop.index == 4

To the liquid conditional statement on line 6 or 28.

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