Fundraising Report Card is now integrated with NationBuilder. This means that mutual customers can now sync donation data to Fundraising Report Card to generate beautiful, intuitive and actionable graphs to indicate their fundraising successes.
What is Fundraising Report Card:
Fundraising Report Card is a dashboard and analytics software that analyzes your fundraising efforts to identify growth, lapsed donations, and the ability to segment your donor universe any way you want. To get started using Fundraising Report Card follow the steps below.
1. Integrate:
After you sign-up with Fundraising Report Card navigate to ‘Integrations’ on the left side nav and select NationBuilder as the integration option. Enter your nation slug and select ‘Connect to your nation’. This will prompt you to login to your nation to authenticate. When you see the green ‘Success’ message you’ll know your nation is properly authenticated.
2. Analyze data:
After you authenticate you will see a button that reads ‘Analyze data’. Selecting this button will pull in all donation records into your instance of Fundraising Report Card and start preparing graphs. This process may take a bit of time so don’t worry if you don’t see your data populating instantly.
3. View graphs:
In addition to allowing you to create custom queries, Fundraising Report Card premakes dashboards for the following cohorts:
- Key performance
- Growth
- Acquisition
- Lapsed
- Churn
- Retention
- Reactivation
- Upgrade
- Downgrade
Each dashboard has subsets to allow you drill into the data as well as various graph types to create the right visuals for your needs.
4. Export lists to your nation:
Clicking on a section of a graph will prompt you to export those records to a new list in your nation. The naming convention for lists will be [dashboard_name + years + giving_levels]. The slug for the list is [first 2 letters of dashboard_name + full time stamp].
5. View these records in your nation
Now that you’ve identified the target donors in Fundraising Report Card and created a list of them in your nation you can initiate retargeting campaigns, recruitment drives, add them to paths or engage them through whatever means suit your needs.
To view Fundraising Report Card in our ecosystem, check out our integration directory.