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Need to reference basic page in custom sidebar

What I need to do seems fairly simple but I can't seem to find it in the FAQs. I'm an intermediate user of Joomla and Wordpress but this is my first time doing a site in Nationbuilder (I'm volunteering for a group).

I need to customize the sidebar for all users, doesn't matter if they are signed in or not. I know I need to add code right after <div class="right_column"> before the {%if else%} in the columns_2.html file.

I want to insert a reference to a page that is easily editable by others (which is why I don't want to just insert hardcoded HTML here). Not sure what type of page (basic?) I should use but it should be something easily editable in the Pages section.

Basically, what I need is similar to a Wordpress widget or a Joomla module. I'm not a code writer, but am comfortable cut-n-pasting.

I did see this post

Note: To display content from other page types, copy and paste the for statement from the template of that page type into the new file instead of the code above.

But I couldn't find a "for statement" in the basic page template. What am missing? Thank you!

Official response from

Hi Dixie --

It sounds like you're trying to some really creative stuff, which is awesome. That said, I think we might have more success answering question over the phone.

Can you shoot us an email at [email protected] so that we can set up a time to talk your issue through?

-- Ian

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