I have a blog with lots of images (here). When people share a post via social media, the only thing that shows up as a image option is the site's logo—not the image from the blog post.
How do I change the settings so the image itself shows up as option when people share the post via Facebook or Google+?
Official response from Drew Cross
In the control panel, if you go to the Settings tab on the blog post itself, then select the Social tab. Here you can adjust the thumbnail, description, and several other things that will get pulled for previews in social media. This are actually settings that are available on every page in NationBuilder, but the system will default to your logo if nothing is entered.
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To be clear, the only thing NationBuilder does is set the page’s image meta tag URLs for Facebook to pick up (either to your site’s default image or the one you’ve specifically uploaded to that page). The choice to use or ignore the meta image is on Facebook’s end.
Also thought it would be worth including Facebook’s best practices for image sizing: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/sharing/best-practices#images.
I’m mostly satisfied that I can share blog posts varying social image I choose…but it would be nice to know why NB grabs my header image. It probably has something to do with the size of the header vs. the size of the logo…so I’ll keep trying to find the magic proportion to force NB back to our logo.
What do you mean remove it? Do you mean that facebook is picking up the wrong image? Or that you don’t want any image at all on the page?
It can take some time for Facebook to update images – to expedite that update, you can drop the page url for their debugger tool here: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug
This should clear the cache and update the image accordingly.