If I want to create an awards nomination form on our NationBuilder website with: 6-7 awards categories, free text to nominate person/group project and free text for reason why person/group/project is nominated for each category not mandatory to fill in all boxes and name and email for the person submitting the nominations Which function is best to use? Thanks
There are a few options when collecting this kind of information, but surveys would be the recommended route when requesting free text responses on a NationBuilder site. Plus, you can more readily view and export the nomination results from within your survey settings.
Alternatively, some customers use custom fields for this kind of functionality -- often so that users can answer all the questions on one page or create multiple choice checkboxes (both of which are limitations with survey pages). More on implementing custom fields:
Introduction to custom fields
How to create custom people fields
How to request custom people fields on webpages
You might also consider using an integration with a more customizable form generator, such as 123FormBuilder.
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