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commented on What are NationBuilder's SSL offerings for websites?
This situation is completely out of control. I know NationBuilder seems to think that updating it’s platform is optional, but this is not optional. I’ve spoken with multiple NationBuilder employees, including a regional director of sales, and they basically said our only option is to upgrade to the “enterprise” package which is more than twice the cost of our current plan. Most domain providers offer this service for $30-$100 a year but NationBuilder expects us to pay an additional $600 a month for this.

Now everyone who lands on our website in Chrome gets a warning that our site is not secure. How do you think that’s impacted our acquisition rates? Not well. How do you think that’s affected our fundraising? Not well.

This is completely unbelievable and it needs to be rectified immediately.
posted 2017-11-01 13:09:12 -0700
commented on When I export my petition to a .csv, I don't get the fields I need
So you can’t customize the fields included in an export of a list of petition signatures?
posted 2016-10-14 07:57:40 -0700