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commented on Text Message Signup WITHOUT reply asking for email address?
Is there anyway to change or translate the autoresponder? You are getting more and more international clients and this is one of the only things not translatable. Also, can you change or translate the RSVPed: Adding events to your calendar message? Thanks
posted 2015-08-21 13:33:07 -0700
commented on Modify auto-replies
There’s still a number of message that can’t be changed, like the one asking for the name and email… they are very important if you wish to use NationBuilder in another language
posted 2015-04-21 10:33:59 -0700
commented on Subject line of auto-response emails
I’m also having serious issue since the people I’m broadcasting to are speaking another language and are sensitive on the subject.
posted 2015-01-20 16:05:50 -0800