Kevin Berry commented on Liquid Basics
That sounds like a bug that needs to get fixed. Go ahead and file a bug report on it.
posted 2015-03-04 20:12:14 -0800
That sounds like a bug that needs to get fixed. Go ahead and file a bug report on it.
Kevin Berry commented on request
Excellent, thanks for the quick response Ian!
posted 2013-10-11 16:19:24 -0700
Kevin Berry commented on Maintain Turf Maps
Would being able to print the custom shapes you created with the turf cuter, or being able to view district lines within the turf cutter be more helpful?
posted 2012-09-21 12:18:44 -0700
Kevin Berry commented on Subject line of auto-response emails
+1 For adding email subject lines as something that can be edited within a custom theme.
posted 2015-01-22 11:30:55 -0800