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Add custom fields to event form: dieteary needs.

I need to add custom fields to the event form so that people can include their dietary needs when RSVPing to a dinner event. We have hosts for each table at the event so I would also like to be able to add a field to specify which host's table you are sitting at. I have set up the survey pages but it becomes confusing for the user when they are taken through multiple survey pages. Is there an alternate solution? Even just having a free text field would meet our use case because people would be able to write the host and nutritional needs into this field. Is it possible to add a free text field to an event? I suppose I could emulate this by submitting the free text to a survey via ajax before submitting the RSVP form, but all the current solutions feel a bit hacky to me.

Official response from

It's absolutely possible to add a custom field to an event page. To learn more, check out our FAQ titled 'How do I use custom fields?'

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