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commented on Contacts API
Bug?: The create endpoint for Contact objects doesn’t seem to automatically set the ‘created_at’ field, so it can end up having incorrect values.

Also, there is no endpoint for destroying, or updating `Contact`s listed. So, if you create a Contact with the wrong information, you seem to be out of luck with the API listed here.

If a contact type is deleted, all the existing contacts of that type seem to remain, with their ‘type_id’ fields becoming null.
posted 2015-07-19 00:43:56 -0700
commented on Lists API
Note: The “Add People” and “Delete People” endpoints do not return JSON objects. They reply with NoContent HTTP status codes, and no content.

Usability: It may be useful to have endpoints for looking up lists by slug, and by name.
posted 2015-06-13 00:10:32 -0700
commented on Donation Synchronization, and Donation Search Endpoint
The question of synchronizing donations has become urgent for our nation. Could you give me an idea of any progress?

I would also like to know some details about the built-in ability of NationBuilder users to review and modify their donations after logging in. Are there any limits on what they can change about existing donations? What conditions can a nation impose on that process? (E.g., can a donor cancel a donation within a limited period after it’s made, but not afterward? Can a donor change the payment method, e.g., if a credit card fails?

In a separate category: Can a donor be notified if a failure occur?)


posted 2014-09-09 21:14:25 -0700