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commented on adding space between header and sidebar/featured content slider
I have custom theme – based off Aware theme. My ultimate goal is to be able to put the picture of the candidate next to the text “xyz for City Council” in the header to the left of the navigation and have a custom slider below. Thus, I want to have both a header (or some other way to do this) and a custom slider display. I saw one post that said this was not possible, but at the moment, I’ve got both loaded into the system and they’re showing but the header is actually showing below where the usual header and above the slider. I want the header image I uploaded to show in the upper left part of the header. Can you please help? I may have to change it but check (home page) to see what I am talking about, if it’s not changed by the time you receive this.
posted 2014-05-31 11:27:22 -0700
commented on Simple image sliders
This doesn’t explain how to choose from large, medium and small — which is not intuitive in the UI.
posted 2014-07-20 15:27:10 -0700