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adriel_theme_styles-082749.jpgWe've released a beautiful new website theme for campaign nations, free to all NationBuilder customers. If you don't yet have a NationBuilder account, sign up for a free 14-day trial here. 

The new "Victory" theme by Tectonica (learn more about Tectonica in our NationBuilder Architects directory) can be found in your control panel under Websites > Theme > Stock theme. You can pick from four styles: a default blue, and gold, green and red versions. The theme includes a "Pulse" feature that links to the public bios of anyone joining your nation by email or through following one of your linked Twitter accounts (if you need to remove spam followers from your nation, first block them on Twitter then delete them from your nation - you can reset the Pulse display under Websites > Settings > Clear cache). The theme also automatically creates interactive displays for your signup, volunteer and donation pages. Victory also includes the subtle texturing and styling elements (look closely for the raised hands within the Pulse box) that make Tectonica one of the world's top design firms.

Victory looks best after you've added your own bold home page sliders (learn more about featured content sliders here). As with the Revolution theme, you'll want photos that are 960 pixels wide and around 360 pixels deep. You can use a free online editor like Pixlr to size your photos before uploading them as featured content sliders.

Below, you can see the red style Victory theme on my own nation. We want to see this theme in action, so please leave links to your own implementations in the comments.


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