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Liquid Error on Event Page Custom Field

I am attempting to add a custom field to an event page. I made an "Organization" field via Settings > Defaults > Custom Fields and then added it to my event page template as follows: {% text_field "organization", class:"text form-control", placeholder:"Organization" %} However, I get the following error on the event page: "Liquid error: organization is not a valid form field for EventRsvp." Am I missing a step? Is this possible?

Official response from

Hi Theodore! Yes, this is certainly possible, but the custom fields use a slightly different syntax than regular fields, as outlined in more detail here:

So in short, you should be using this instead: 


{% text_field "signup.custom_values.organization", class:"text form-control", placeholder:"Organization" %}



Side note: If anyone else stumbles upon this page and is trying to add custom fields to a ticketed event, it is worth noting that custom fields can only go on event pages that do not sell tickets (and instead collect RSVPs only). If you have a ticketed event, the custom field will need to be placed on the donation page where the ticket buyer completes the ticket purchase.


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