If you have received voter data for one of the 30 states listed on this page from NationBuilder, you’re eligible to receive additional early vote and absentee data. Our voter data team can automatically import this into your nation as tags. These tags indicate if someone is an absentee voter and if they’ve voted already. All you have to do is accept the tag share!
To accept these tags, go to “Tags > View all” (or fill your nation slug into this link: NATIONSLUG.nationbuilder.com/nationbuilder.com/admin/signup_tags/new). From there, if you are in a state where we have vote by mail data, you should see two blue bar saying “XXvoters shared this tag with you…”
Click on the first blue hyperlink and that will take you to page where you can accept the share:
From here, all you have to do is click “Accept Share” and that will start the process of importing tags for anyone who has requested an absentee ballot. After that just repeat the process for the second blue bar for the tag “2016-Voted Early or Absentee.”
Once the data has imported, you can view this data by filtering for the tags “2016-Requested Absentee”, and “2016-Voted Early or Absentee.” Knowing who requested an absentee ballot and who has already voted can be crucial during the Get-Out-The-Vote period of the campaign. If you need any guidance on using NationBuilder’s tools during these last couple weeks of the campaign, check out our recorded webinars and our blog posts on using NationBuilder for GOTV.