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commented on signup
Are these all read only or can we set them (like tags) using liquid?
posted 2014-07-31 13:40:24 -0700
commented on activation
This page also mentions an example form but it is missing
posted 2014-06-19 08:42:23 -0700
commented on I want to change how the redirect works in signup page
What about when we use the default signup+login page /login

That /login page is hosted by Nationbuilder, it does not show as a page in our system so we can not use the next page slug method.

That page’s content is in the theme so I can edit it. Is there a way to set the next page using liquid?

posted 2014-07-31 13:14:51 -0700
commented on Drop Down issues
Is there a possibility to add more than 1 level of dropdown menus?
posted 2014-06-12 07:11:00 -0700
commented on Pulling content from a page to another page
Can we pull content from another of sub nation in our account?
posted 2014-06-18 09:23:00 -0700
commented on How do I add search to my site?
What about searching the membership based on tags, names or other variables?
posted 2014-06-02 14:16:35 -0700
commented on Blogs API
How about an ATOM publishing API?
posted 2014-06-01 14:47:56 -0700
commented on user_session
Where are the user values like, Name Address etc. ?
posted 2014-06-17 01:21:53 -0700
commented on How can I make a top nav item with drop-down subpages unclickable?
A better solution would be a better top menu system :)
posted 2014-06-12 07:48:05 -0700
commented on People API Membership Creation
Can somebody tell me how to find the “id” of a certain membership type? I’m using the API to search for people with a certain membership type but all the values I tried only return empty results.
posted 2014-10-09 07:40:26 -0700