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Event guests - additional RSVPs

Is there a way to cap the number of additional RSVPs for each event guest?

Official response from

While this is not possible to do via the event settings tab, you can make this adjustment by editing the HTML code in the event page's template section. There is a line of code in the template for that page that says this:

<div class="span12"><label for="event_rsvp_guests_count">How many other people are you bringing?</label>{% text_field "guests_count", class:"text" %}</div>

But you could convert it to all HTML, change it from a text field to a number field, and then apply the "max" attribute to that field. The resulting code would look like this instead:

<div class="span12"><label for="event_rsvp_guests_count">How many other people are you bringing?</label><input style="width:50px;" max="3" id="event_rsvp_guests_count" name="event_rsvp[guests_count]" type="number" value="0" /></div>

That should do it! 👍

Here are some additional attributes that can be added to <input> fields:

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