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Creating people-centric organizations

Last week on NationBuilder Live, Adriel Hampton and C.J. MinsterCheng did a session on what it really means to put people at the center of your organization and how NationBuilder can help you do it. Here's some of what they discussed:

  • The key components of a people-centric organization including an organization's frame or "story of us," content strategy, values, rules of engagement, and a cohesive structure. 
  • How creating a structure to comprehensively track your staff's interaction with community members can help you strategically move them up the ladder of engagement.
  • How to turn your interactions with prospects online through email and social media into offline and in-person engagement. 
  • Additional resources including the new book "Fierce Loyalty: Unlocking the DNA of Wildly Successful Communities" from friend of NationBuilder Sarah Robinson.