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Occupation and employer address fields still required when Employer field is "N/A"

The standard Nation Builder instructions on the donation page read, "Law requires we ask for your employer and occupation. If you don't have an employer or are retired, put N/A...".  However, NB still prompts the user for an occupation when the Employer field is "N/A", as well as the work address fields when these are checked as required on the Bank Account field.

If a donor specifies "N/A" for Employer as instructed then the Occupation and work address fields should not be required. I see no way to change this behavior in the control panel. Do you have plans to fix this?

Official response from

Hi Greg,

I know Phil followed up with you via email regarding this issue. I wanted to make sure other people understand the options -

In some places, election law requires people be very specific about their employer and occupation. It is possible to edit the standard instructions on a donation page by editing the page template. This is around line 199 of the page template.

edit instructions on donation page

Alternatively, you can change the bank account settings and only require employer and occupation, not requiring the work address fields.

Because campaign finance laws can require all of the fields to be field out, we don't have plans to change the functionality. You can add a feature suggestion

Updated August 5, 2015

Workaround if you don't want any employer fields to be required

A possible workaround if you know a little bit about HTML and Liquid is to actually pull out all of the employer info from the liquid {% if %} statements that are default for a donation page. First, make sure that you've gone to Settings > Bank Accounts and deselected all of the required fields. 


Then, I'd advise creating a test donation page so that if you mess up you can always start over and not lose your current, live donation page. Once you've created your test donation page, go to the template section of the page. 


Scroll down to line 141 and click right in front of the braces "{" that begin the IF statement on that line and hit space. The code below should now be on line 142 and you should have a space on line 141 to insert your new code.

{% if page.donation.merchant_account.is_employer_and_occupation_required? %}


Next you'll want to insert your new code that will call fields for donors to enter their employer info. The first two fields, "employer" and "occupation" will insert fields for donors to enter in their employer and occupation info, so just insert that if you only want to collect that info with this donation page. If you also would like to collect employer address information, insert the second piece of code, which will ask for country, address 1(ie: street number/address), city, state and zip code.

Employer Info Code

<h4 class="padtop padbottomless">Employer Info</h4>
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span6">{% text_field "employer", class:"text", placeholder:"Employer" %}</div>
<div class="span6">{% text_field "occupation", class:"text", placeholder:"Occupation" %}</div>

Employer Address Code

<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12">
{% collection_select "work_address.country_code", page.donation.countries, "code", "name", class:"select", placeholder:"Employer country" %}
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12">
{% text_field "work_address.address1", class:"text", placeholder:"Employer address 1" %}
{% text_field "work_address.address2", class:"text", placeholder:"Employer address 2" %}
{% text_field "work_address.address3", class:"text work-not-us-or-canada hide", placeholder:"Employer address 3" %}
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span4">
{% text_field "", class:"text", placeholder:"City" %}
<div class="span4 work-us-or-canada">
{% text_field "work_address.state", class:"text", placeholder:"State" %}
<div class="span4">
{% text_field "", class:"text", placeholder:"Postal code" %}



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