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Unable to upload SCSS files

I'm having a terrible time getting my SCSS partials to upload into my nation's theme. When I try to use NationBuilder Theme Sync, 75% of the files give me an error. When I try to upload these files manually using the file uploaded, the uploader gives me an "HTTP error". When I try to manually create the files in NationBulder and copy and paste their code from my code editor, I can't save the files because they use variables declared in other partials.

If I could somehow stop NationBuilder from giving me SASS errors until all of my files are uploaded, this probably wouldn't be a problem. For now, I'm stuck.

These issues are making it nearly impossible to have a normal development workflow in NationBuilder. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Official response from

Please look for updates on Themesync in the future. 

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