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I would like to show our fundraising goal and what we have raised without the signup sheet [donation page].  How do I do that?

Official response from

Hello Joel,

It is possible to do this using the {% subpage %} liquid tag in the process outlined here. The example in the link provided is used for blog posts.

In this case, you would create a partial template titled something like "_donations_latest.html" and inside it you would paste the code for the progress bar. The forloop you would use in your partial template would look like this:

{% for donation in page.donations %}

html/liquid for the progress bar on donation page

{% endfor %}

After you've created the partial template and saved it, you can then pull-in the appropriate content by placing this on your homepage, wherever it is you want the content to display:

{% subpage "donationpageslug" with "donations_latest" %}





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