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When we announced our new pricing we got a lot of feedback from you all. One of the main things we heard was that one site was not enough for folks on the Leader plan. Architects were concerned about the difficulty (actually the impossibility) of building out new sites when a nation was only allowed one. We also heard from customers with multi-lingual communities that another site was required for them to be successful.

We spent some time talking about this internally because we wanted to get it right. Initially we thought that if a customer was working with an architect they would get three sites, and we could add a second site for international folks if we needed to. This didn’t seem quite right.

Then engineering manager Jason Johnston proposed distinguishing between public and private sites.  Our thinking is that public sites are being used to engage a community, while private sites are being developed or provide an archive of past engagement. So today we’re making a couple changes to how we handle sites for nations on our new plans.

Nations with the Leader plan now get two sites; private sites are not restricted.

We’ve created a distinction between public and private sites. You’ve always been able to control visibility in site settings. Now if a site is set to admins only it won’t count against the number of sites that come with your plan.

Nations on the Leader plan will now have two public sites and nations on the Organization plan will have 10. Enterprise and Network plans will continue to have unlimited sites.

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