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is "data-role" not allowed in page content?

Below is the code I am looking to include on a page, however when entered in a pages "content" box it seems to be stripped on the "data-role" information inthe div's

What I paste
<div data-role="collapsible">
<p>collapsible content.</p>

What is saved
<p>collapsible content.</p>

Please let me know if this is intentional and what your recommendation would be with regards to using data-roles (ie. putting page content in a file and including the file instead of doing in content), etc.

Official response from

The Content Editor accepts only basic HTML input, which is why "data-role" is being stripped when the HTML source compiles into the WYSIWYG editor.

Instead, I would recommend adding this content using the page-level template editor (see below), where you have full control over the HTML input.


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