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(show all) expand-o-link not working as intended

Hi there!

On my calendar page, I have several events listed. When the event description (in the intro panel) gets too long, it is truncated and the content replaced with a (show all) link. Clicking on the link folds down the content for viewing. 

I love this feature. It has always worked flawlessly until now. 

On my calendar page, the client put a bunch of logos of sponsoring organizations in the intro box for these events, each of which makes the descriptions for these events take up a lot of vertical space on the parent calendar page. But even though they are taking up a lot of space, they are not folding up under a (show all) link. 

It appears that the (show all) thing only works with blocks of text, not images. Is that right? I believe this is the case because I put a paragraph of dummy text below the added logos on one of the events, reloaded the calendar page and then everything folded under the (show all) link as intended. So, theres a hack available, I suppose. I just would rather not put blocks of nonsense at the base of every Intro box. (but if that is what I must do, then I'm fine with that). 


Official response from

Hi Tim,

The "show all" link does just that - it shows everything, including images, that are entered into the Event Details >Intro area. I looked at the events from the site you provided, and the partner logos are not placed within the intro section, but rather are located in the Template in a separate area. If you'd like them to display on the calendar page, they should be moved into content editor.


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