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How to record contributions by candidates not restricted by contribution limits?

While there are contribution limits for our campaign, they don't apply to the candidates own funds.  We'd like to record a contribution (FEC Type = "Loan from Candidate") in excess of the limit, but limit restrictions for the cycle are preventing it.  Is there a designed way to accommodate this already, or do we need to work around it somehow (like by temporarily increasing the limit, recording the contribution, and then restoring the limit)?

Official response from

Currently, our system is set up to just to account for individual contributions coming through the donation pages or being logged in by hand. We're not able to account for more unique income sources (such as loans, in general or from the candidate, or other miscellaneous increases to cash). The easiest way to add this information in would be to temporarily change your contribution limits, enter the amount in to the system, then reset the limits to make sure people aren't able to over contribute to the campaign.

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