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Is there a way to assign a specific user to be responsible for specific followup?

After a follow-up is triggered, we'd like our campaign team to be able to easily keep track of who is responsible for which follow-ups.  Is there a way to do this without changing the "point person"?  For example, we'd like to have designated point persons by precinct, but be able to assign a specific "thank you" follow-up for the candidate, and have it appear on their dashboard as a "to do".

I saw a NB live video a couple weeks ago that talked about something like this, but I can't find it now.  Is there a recommended practice for this?


Official response from

While you can't mark a specific followup type as being assigned to one person so that it shows up in those assigned to them, you can view all set followups whether they're assigned to you or not. This makes it easy if one followup type is to be handles by a single person, just go to Dashboard -> Everyone -> Followup view and change the drop down to the correct followup type.

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