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Ask people already in our db to join (create account for our NB site)

I think that the way to do this is to filter out the people I want to invite and then blast an email to them that points to the signup page. I just want to make sure that's it, and that there is no other preferred way to do this.

It's important for us to make the account creation bit as simple as possible. I could save them a step if I could, for example, create their account and then send them the account creation confirmation email. Then they'd just have to click one link, and create a password.

Official response from

One way to encourage your existing supporters to create accounts on your nation is to — as you've suggested — send them an email blast encouraging them to visit your site and "update their contact information." This is a variation of the tried-and-true "re-confirmation" email. When creating your email blast within the Control Panel, you can opt to have your supporters' personal information automatically populated in the browser after clicking through (see below): 


In terms of what page you should direct folks to, that depends on your specific needs and circumstances. One option would be a Signup Page prompting visitors to "update" or "confirm" their information (as it will automatically be pre-filled in the form when they load the page). When they save the form they will automatically sent an account activation email. 

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Please check your e-mail for a link to activate your account.