What are NationBuilder's SSL offerings for websites? I've observed that secure pages are becoming a standard across the web. Some browsers like Google Chrome will even throw up an error when trying to access non-SSL pages. I would like to know what NationBuilder can do to allay my concerns.
Update 03/05/2018
All NationBuilder sites that have their domains configured correctly, and no insecure content, have been upgraded to SSL! You will have received an email confirming your update.
If your site has insecure content you will need to go to your website > settings > insecure content and remove any insecure images or files. Once that is complete you will see a button to upgrade to SSL.
Ongoing all NationBuilder sites with their domain hosted by NationBuilder will have SSL!
If you have any questions please contact our support team at [email protected].
Update 02/01/2018
We are currently adding all correctly configured custom domains to SSL certificates, We’ll update here when that work is complete!
You may have some insecure content on your site (most sites don't) but you can double check and learn more about any changes you need to make - "How to check your site for insecure content."
Update 11/21/17
Today, we started the process of upgrading all existing websites with custom domains to full site SSL so that every page on your site is encrypted. This process should be complete by the end of January and - beginning February 1st, 2018 - all new custom domains will automatically have SSL enabled.
As long as your custom domain is properly configured, you don’t need to do anything! This upgrade will be seamless, free, and any links on the internet to the non-SSL pages will automatically redirect.
Update 8/18/17
NationBuilder is aware of the updates from Google Chrome and recognizes the need for custom domain SSL.
The team continues work to make SSL less cost-prohibitive.
As you have observed, it is becoming a standard across the web for all pages to be SSL secured. It sounds like Google is moving in that direction. NationBuilder is too. At the moment, NationBuilder can offer SSL on all websites as long as they are not using a custom domain. Therefore, if you used https://[slug].nationbuilder.com/* without the custom domain, you could enjoy SSL on all of your pages on the website. If you choose to use a custom domain, you can still enjoy SSL encryption, but just on the donation, login and control panel pages which use SSL on the https://[slug].nationbuilder.com format. These pages are secured so that sensitive information on this site (for example, passwords or credit cards), are not stolen by attackers.
Now that said, NationBuilder is working on a way to offer SSL on all websites, including those that use a custom domain. However, at the moment, the process to accomplish this is cost-prohibitive. Therefore, we can only offer custom domain SSL as an add-on if you're using one of NationBuilder's Organization or Network plans.
In the future, it is a priority of our Product team to find a way to make SSL available and affordable for all NationBuilder websites with custom domains. If you are interested in following this process, please follow the public issue on custom domain SSL.
Showing 40 reactions
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I am now just starting to explore what our other website platform options are likely to be.
We are just sending out national press releases for our organisation’s launch and this Google Chrome message will damage us quite badly I expect.
Now everyone who lands on our website in Chrome gets a warning that our site is not secure. How do you think that’s impacted our acquisition rates? Not well. How do you think that’s affected our fundraising? Not well.
This is completely unbelievable and it needs to be rectified immediately.
Certified Architect
This could be the just the thing to bring attention to the platform and attract enough new clients to keep them afloat for some period of time.
While it would be great for them to announce a reasonable solution, not doing so could be a double win for NB.
Creative Freedom
Certified Architect
Certified Expert
Certified Developer
NationBuilder also has not been especially transparent or forthcoming about this — when they say “cost-prohibitive,” what does that actually mean?
SSL/HTTPS is quickly becoming a basic, an expectation, and a standard. NationBuilder should not try to charge more for this “feature” when they figure out how to implement it.
Hw can a platform such as NationBuilder not provide SSL encryption?
I’m afraid unless NB can offer me a practical alternative, it’s a deal breaker for me also.