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Developers have a reputation for being unapproachable introverts that do nothing but write code in dark rooms with their headphones on. But if you caught our live webcast on Wednesday you probably noticed that the tech team here at NationBuilder defies that stereotype. 

Watch the video below for some tech entertainment with VP of Engineering Dan Walmsley and developers Jacob Green and Ray Perada. Hear about how they came to NationBuilder, the tools they use to build the platform, and our innovative deployment process that keeps it up-to-date and running smoothly. 

Here are a few highlights:

Dan, who once pursued a career in comedy and entertainment, said his favorite part of leading the NationBuilder team was leading regular improv sessions with the staff. 

In describing the role of the NationBuilder tech team, Ray, the NationBuilder ping-pong champion and Ironman triathlete, said, "The customer is the driver, NationBuilder is the car, and we're the pit crew."

Our resident bug fixer Jacob talked about one Hack Day project to redesign the test platform: "When we finished, test times went from 26 minutes to 5 minutes." That means deploys of new code can now happen in under 15 minutes.

To learn more about the tech team go to And if you're interested in joining the team check out

You can see future NationBuilder Live webcasts at 4 p.m. ET Monday through Thursday at

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