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We’re excited to announce that we have added a new custom option when exporting people from your nation. No more scrolling past columns and columns in your export trying to find the relevant information - now you can choose as many or few fields as you like.


We believe your data belongs to you. With that in mind, as we’ve been tracking your feedback on our Public Issues page, we recognized and prioritized one of your top requests to have greater control over how you export your data.

With the new “Customize fields to export” option you can now:

  • Choose which specific fields you want to export, making it easy to use for mail merging or reports.


  • Select and copy a previous export’s field settings, allowing you to quickly repeat similar exports.


  • Include these new fields: unsubscribe date, billing address, updated at date, donations this cycle.

Custom export fields are currently available only when exporting people from your nation.

We know that many of you extend your NationBuilder data and pull exports regularly, and we hope this new feature delivers the data you need to lead your nation.

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