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Editing petition form fields

We want to change the form fields for our petition. This is mostly easy enough, but for the 'address' field it has 'town,street, postcode' inside the box, and we want it to just say 'postcode'. We've already changed the header, but the text in the box appears to be part of the field object and theres no easily apparent way to edit it.

any clues? cheers

Official response from

Great question!

If you'd like to change the labels for the form fields on a given page, you can do so by editing that page's template.


Within the template, look for the line of code that specifies the label for the form field you're seeking to edit. (Note that this may be a different line number for you, depending on which theme you're using.) Edit that line to reflect how you'd like the label to appear and save the template.


The form field will continue to work the same as before, but the label will change. 

Note: NationBuilder will accept a Postal Code (without accompanying address information) as a valid address.

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