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Limitations with the write endpoint of the Donations API

The new write endpoint has a few limitations that make it difficult to implement a good external donations solution and track the donations back in Nation Builder:

1) It does not allow donations to be assigned to an existing supporter, but instead creates a new user for every donation. Ideally we'd be able to pass a signup id in the initial payload, which would then assign the donations.

2) We have not been able to write any donation types other than CASH (such as Credit Card), which means they are recorded as "FAILED" and do not show up in reporting.

3) There are no options to write recurring donations and have them show up in /admin/signups/{id}/donations/recurring. This means we cannot effectively build an external recurring donations system and track that back through Nation Builder.

1-2 are priorities for us to be able to effectively use the API for our apps, any idea when these options may be supported?

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