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I've been talking to customers for years and experimenting with different, simple ways to make email blasts a little easier with NationBuilder—without having to be a coder! 

I'm a firm believer that you don't need to know how to code to use NationBuilder, and I'm on a personal mission to make things simpler for everyone, no matter what level of technology you're most comfortable with. 

I've recently written some quick overviews: 


Here are some one offs that I've learned! 

  • You can adjust a table to have columns that are small between the columns that you have content in to create extra padding (like this but with 0 border so you won't see the boarders)
  • The bold line that I used in my emails was an image but I could also achieve this with a one cell table and a background color (like this - gorgeous!) 
  • If you are pasting text and the spacing is off you can hold the 'shift' key when pressing 'enter' to get one single spaced content.

For example this 

is just hitting enter

and this
is hitting enter while holding down the shift key

  • You can now really customize your email blasts with Smart Fields

Stay tuned, because I'll be adding new pieces here as I create more. 

Any requests? Please let me know—you can comment here or email me directly at [email protected].

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