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How to create a .pdf repository of email blasts

Hello! Let's say I want to have a place on my website where I have .pdfs of past newsletters for download, how would I create that?

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First, I have an email blast that I created before I send it I'll create a .pdf. I'm going to go into the content of my email in Communication > Broadcasters > Email  > email_slug > Content 

I'm going to remove the liquid code (which I can only do before I send it) to make the .pdf of my email more clean.

Next, I'll change my url to the html_preview. So, I'm removing the 'content' from the url and replacing it with html_preview in my tool bar. 

This gives me a really nice view of my email that I can print to a .pdf and save on my computer. 


In order to save it without any extra info I'm unchecking 'Headers and Footers'.

Now I just need to create a page on my website to hold my .pdfs. In my case I made a blog post that I can always go back to. 

In page files I uploaded my .pdf and right click to copy the link address

In the page content I highlighted the text to link and clicked the insert link to the .pdf.

And that's it! You can view my page on my test site & download my newsletter!

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