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commented on #EverydayLeaders
Julie Coleman, CPTD-KA, started the nonprofit charity, Pawsitivity Service Dogs, when a friend of hers told her the story of how her son was helped by their pet dog. The friend then said that what they could have really used was a specially-trained autism service dog, but there was no organization within a thousand miles that specialized in training these incredibly helpful animals. Right then, Julie decided to found Pawsitivity to help rescue dogs and train them as service dogs for children with autism and others with special needs.
posted 2020-12-02 13:00:55 -0800
commented on NationBuilder sites will soon be upgraded with SSL encryption
Oh, man, web developer Adam Friedman is 100% right!

As of 3/11/2021, when I go to on Chrome, this message comes up instead of sending a visitor to the site:

“Attackers might be trying to steal your information from (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards).” There is a big red triangle with an exclamation point, and a blue button that says, “Back to safety.”

The message on the Safari browser is even worse, saying that the site may “steal your personal or financial information.”

Nationbuilder, this is not “done”! :-(
posted 2021-03-11 10:46:00 -0800
commented on What are NationBuilder's SSL offerings for websites?
Is there a similar service to NationBuilder that can easily be migrated to…that will not give every visitor a “NOT SECURE” warning?
posted 2017-08-18 11:53:32 -0700