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Today is America’s birthday, the 4th of July. A time to eat hot dogs, listen to Katy Perry sing about explosions, and reflect on what this country stands for — freedom and opportunity for everyone. As a nation, we have a whole document that goes into what freedom means and we are in a never-ending struggle to live up to that ideal.

It starts with the First Amendment. Everyone talks about freedom of religion and speech, but then tends to skip over the second half and jump straight to the Second Amendment and start talking about guns. But the second half of the First Amendment is all about the right to assemble and petition your government.

Today, assembling and petitioning your government happens on the internet. Our mission at NationBuilder is to ensure that everyone has the freedom and opportunity to do just that regardless of your race, age, class, religion, educational background, ideology, gender, sexual orientation or party. 

We fight for that with you every single day, and it is such a privilege. Thanks for being a part of NationBuilder, and happy Independence Day.

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