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Access-Control-Allow-Origin Issue with D3.js


I am not sure if this is the right place - I can't seem to find anywhere to submit a support question (even under the "Questions" section). Sorry if this is the wrong spot!

I am using D3.js, a data visualization library, to create a map. On my nationbuilder site, it loads data asynchronously through AJAX. My site is

I am having trouble configuring nationbuilder to load these resources without triggering access errors. In preview mode, which loads resources through, the script works. However, in published mode (which uses, for example), the script breaks, citing an issue with Access-Control-Allow-Origin. This surprise seems to defeat the purpose of a preview mode. How can I configure nationbuilder to load these resources from*.js instead of 

Here is the console error: 

"XMLHttpRequest cannot load The 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header contains the invalid value '*'. Origin '' is therefore not allowed access."

Thank you for any help you're able to provide!



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Please see below for suggestions! 

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