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Auto respond to petition signatures manually added (from offline)

Is there a way to send the auto-response emails for a petition signature to people who sign the petition offline? It would be great if everyone who signs the petition (online or offline) who gives us an email address got the thank you email.

Official response from

It is not possible to send an auto-response email to offline petition signers.

If you upload those signatures as an import, you can tag each person's profile with the same tag you are adding to petition signers and an additional tag to indicate they are offline signers. You can then use the offline signer tag to create a recipient list for an email blast. If you go this route, be sure to go to Petition settings > Basic and insert the number of signers under "Additional signatures to add to total*"

If you input the offline signatures at Petition settings > signatures, you could add an additional tag in Petition settings > Basics to indicate they are offline signatures. Going this route, you may end up with people who sign the petition online receiving the secondary tag (because they sign during the time frame you're inputting signatures). 

I have found that one-to-one communication is more effective in engaging people than auto-repsonse emails or email blasts. But if this is a feature you'd like to see, please post in our feature suggestion area so that other members of the community can provide feedback. 

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