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If you’re a nonprofit fundraiser, this has been a busy month. Whether you’ve devoted your time to painstakingly crafting the perfect year-end fundraising email or discovering new saliva reserves to seal hundreds of envelopes for your holiday snail mailer, you’re close to wit’s end when it comes to building donor lists and checking them twice. But as we close the chapter on another year, we’re hopeful you can use the new advanced donor targeting tools we’re releasing today to make sure you’re making the right ask of donors at the right time.

You can now filter your people database by one-time donations and contribution behavior over time. In addition to looking at total and frequency of giving, target donors by average, largest, first, and most recent amount donated. You can even narrow the scope of your search to consider only pledges or donations from a specific date range or source (tracking code, page, or email blast). A full review of all of the new criteria is available, but here are some ideas to get you started.

  1. Organize donors into tiers of annual giving. For example, I’m separating donors into the following bands: $0-100, $100-1000, and $1000+. This can help you tailor a more personalized ask if you elect to do outreach via blast email.

  2. Encourage long-term donors to match last year’s giving.match_last_year.png

  3. Solicit frequent donors to upgrade their year-end gift.solicit_frequent_donors.png

  4. For those that have already exceeded 2013 contributions, thank and encourage them to recruit new donors, either by sharing on social media or making direct referrals.encourage_matchers_to_share.png

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